Yto Barrada, Eric Baudelaire, Bruno Peinado, Anne-Marie Schneider, Zineb Sedira, Thu-Van Tran
For over twenty years the Prix Marcel Duchamp has each year crowned the career of an artist of the French scene, and in partnership with the ADIAF – Association pour la diffusion internationale de l’art français (Association for the International diffusion of French Art), this summer Passerelle is hosting an exhibition bringing together six artists who were award-winners or nominees between 2006 and 2019. The exhibition offers a partial panorama of art in France today through one apparently simple word: separation.
Taking up the title of the film by Asghar Farhadi, the exhibition examines separation in its many meanings and definitions. In 2011, Asghar Farhadi focussed on this word through various major issues, especially the cultural and religious differences in Iran, tension between the generations and social classes, as well as the difficulties experienced by women in a patriarchal society. The exhibition aims to widen these themes and extend the possible meanings of separation. This word can equally well refer to a romantic break-up as to the distance between two things, or to division – the difference between concepts, people or geographies.
The contemplative film MiddleSea by Zineb Sedira portrays the ferry journey between Algiers and Marseille. A man is watching the sea, leaving the viewer wondering: what is his story? Is he going somewhere or coming home? The Mediterranean separates the continents of Africa and Europe as much as it links them. The crossing becomes a time of expectant waiting and of poetry, the metaphor of a border that is both vague and infinite.
The story told by Thu-Van Tran is also situated in a particular geopolitical and social register but in a... [lire plus]
Part of the 20th anniversary of the Prix Marcel Duchamp
In partnership with the ADIAF – Association pour la diffusion internationale de l’art français